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Leadership Coaching: the definitive guide - Kindle English Version

Leadership Coaching: the definitive guide - Kindle English Version

Price: $ 45.00

"A thoroughly useful Guide, because of the utility of returning again to this content for revision and embedding. It’s a rich source of questions, stimulating and stretching, and helps me keep my approach to Leadership Development fresh and up to date.
Best of all, it’s an easy read!"

Leadership Coaching: the definitive guide - a practical workbook for leaders, executives, managers and coaches. Use this guide to learn ways to inspire and motivate your team - and get the best performance and results from them. Use it to explore your own leadership vision and values. Use it to coach others for better leadership and management.

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Leadership Coaching: the definitive guide - Android Version

Leadership Coaching: the definitive guide - Android Version

Price: $ 45.00

Leadership Coaching: the definitive guide - a practical workbook for leaders, executives, managers and coaches. Use this guide to learn ways to inspire and motivate your team - and get the best performance and results from them. Use it to explore your own leadership vision and values. Use it to coach others for better leadership and management.

"I had very little understanding of coaching, and I'm now confident to coach at any level using the model in this guide. It's simply written and easy to read.  
I re-read it regularly to refresh myself on the model. It's a good primer on a strong coaching model.  
And I'd suggest you attend the training, where you will get strong support and plenty of coaching practice!"

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