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What our clients are saying...

"From the moment I walked in, I knew that I was about to engage in something special.  Your ability to connect with the participants was tremendous, and I was especially impressed with how comfortable you were in altering the structure of the course to suit both the individuals and the group - this organic approach to learning was refreshing and allowed me to get the most out of the experience.

Creating a learning environment for adults is a special skill, one which you have successfully mastered.  An example of this was the speed with which you organized the class into breakout groups, allowing the participants to become very comfortable with a small group of people.  From the documentation to the in-class learning, the course was designed and delivered in a way that made things real.  Not only was I able to take advantage of the skills taught during the program to be coached in some real business issues I had, but was also able to put my learning into practice as soon as I returned to work."

IT Director
Manufacturing Sector

…thank you both once again for an absolutely amazing two days! I have continued to find myself using new words in my conversations ---- “possibilities” seems to be coming out of my mouth constantly. For me the 2 days was truly a Transformative Learning Experience. I experienced several “in my face” learning moments which are supporting my growth into a zone I never thought possible. The Leadership Principles Coaching Principles are at the core of the model and have significantly impacted my approach. I can see that both my MBA students and executive clients are already benefiting.

Leadership Professor
MBA - Business University 

…workshop was unlike any I have attended before because of its immediate impact on myself as a professional and for the organization that I support. It left me not only feeling prepared and motivated to begin our launch of the Leadership Coaching at the City of Mississauga but also started a personal shift that has since enabled me to operate from a very different space. The content and materials were of the highest quality that went hand in hand with a group of high caliber facilitators.  As a participant I was able to actively experience and witness the coach approach to leadership but also how this translates to a coach approach to facilitation. Each of the Forton Group partners brought unique qualities that when combined demonstrated the power of partnership, possibility and trust which feed into a rich learning environment.… it will be the moment in my professional journey that I will be able to pin point when a significant shift occurred that prompted a new way of operating which I was able to transfer into my role at the City of Mississauga and where I saw immediate and lasting results within the launch of our journey to build our leadership capacity!

Human Resource Professional
Public Sector

“It's rare that I'm excited about a course, and the ILC is exciting!!! I've taken my share of corporate courses, but this one if different, to the point that I'm signing-up for the next level of education. What is different about this course is that it's not over when you leave at the end of the program; your learning continues with tele-classes and your support network continues, and this is a rarity. Most courses seem to drag on forever, but this program was designed so well that the time flew by; I enjoy it so much that I actually wished for more class time.”

Corporate Human Resource Professional
National Medical Retail